Here is some informations about silkroad : November 30th, 2008 New Search Engine.
This new search engine enable to search any active player in any server in any level range that are either guildless or have a guild. If you are a guild owner searching for new recruit, fell free to search in the guildless section to find the few not gold bot player to send them a message in game using the mail system in case the are inactive.
If you are a player looking for someone to PVP or to do a trade job, fell free to search for player in your level range.
Some people claim that silkroad is becoming dead because there isn't enough active player, this feature should hopefully make it easier to find active player and to help you to communicate with them.
We are currently looking in quite a few way to make silkroad more attractive to it community.
Silkroad online is an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online RPG) that puts the player deep into ancient Chinese, Islamic, and European civilizations. Silkroad Online is designed to re-enact the Silk Road trades of 7th Century and through use of being a MMORPG Silkroad Online is grounded on the history, culture, and stories of each and every Silk Road trade route. The game characteristic include: Encounter of the East fantasy and the West fantasy, Episode-centered quest system, Organization of various communities, Unique and fresh skill system, Realistic and vigorous action battle, Movies-like presentation, More realistic character animation, More comfortable game environment.